VIPEG debuts at the 2024 China Water Expo: Smart water conservancy helps high-quality development of rural water supply

2024-09-11 16:03 0

/PRZWT/Chongqing, September 11, 2024 - From September 4th to 6th, the 2024 China Water Expo and the 19th China (International) Water Innovation Technology Exchange Conference were grandly held at the Chongqing International Expo Center. Yu Shuiyong, deputy general manager of Shanghai Wipeg Smart Water joint stock company, was invited to attend the opening ceremony and deliver a speech. As a leading enterprise in the smart water industry and an important co-organizer of the conference, Wipeg made a grand appearance with leading products, technologies and full-process solutions for rural water supply. During the same period, it successfully co-organized a special exchange meeting on the high-quality development of rural water supply.

This year's Water Expo is jointly organized by the China Water Conservancy Society, the China Water Conservancy Engineering Association and Beijing Jianghe Bohua Exhibition Co., Ltd., and undertaken by the Chongqing Water Conservancy Society. The exhibition is themed "Exhibition of cutting-edge new technologies in water conservancy, exhibition of new productivity scenarios", with an exhibition scale of 20,000 square meters. 10 themed exhibition areas and 5 thematic forums were presented simultaneously. More than 150 well-known enterprises in the industry gathered on the platform to communicate and create cutting-edge development trends in the industry. It attracted 10,000 professional visitors online and offline, fully demonstrating the authoritative influence of the China Water Expo as a grand event in the water conservancy industry.

At this exhibition, VIPEG fully integrated the design of smart water technology with the beauty of the countryside, and became the focus of the audience with its exclusive 324-square-meter exhibition area. From rural water supply intelligent equipment, urban and rural water supply supervision and operation management platform to the whole process of water supply innovation and application cases, the professional strength and responsibility ability of VIPEG's rural water supply solutions were comprehensively and intuitively demonstrated. At the scene, government leaders and industry experts specially visited the exhibition area and gave high recognition and evaluation to VIPEG's platform-based technical architecture and serialized, scene-based and full stack intelligent water conservancy comprehensive solutions. Many water conservancy customers across the country stopped at VIPEG's booth to conduct in-depth consultation and cooperation on the difficulties of rural water supply county management and the pain points of digital supervision and operation management. Outside the venue, the Wipeg Rural Water Supply Mobile Exhibition Vehicle was fully opened, attracting a large number of visitors to enter the exhibition vehicle to intuitively experience the operation and supervision of water enterprises in urban and rural water supply. The effective connection between the inside and outside of the venue created a professional agricultural water experience for the visitors, accurately meeting the customer's agricultural water needs.

In addition, organized by the China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center (Rural Drinking Water Safety Center of the Ministry of Water Resources) and the Chongqing Municipal Water Conservancy Society, and co-organized by the Rural Water Supply Branch of the China Agricultural Water Saving and Rural Water Supply Technology Association and Wipeg, the special exchange meeting on high-quality development of rural water supply was successfully held on September 5th. The exchange meeting brought together nearly 20 authoritative leaders, well-known experts, and representatives of leading enterprises in the water conservancy industry to deeply share the latest water conservancy policies, standards, technologies, and implementation cases. Ding Kai, technical director and vice president of the research institute of Shanghai Wipeg Smart Water joint stock company, and Huang Gang, general manager of Jiangsu Pifek Smart Water Co., Ltd. made keynote speeches respectively, discussing with on-site experts on hot topics such as the four pre-supervision platform for rural water supply and the comprehensive solution of county management, and the construction of urban and rural integrated water plants, and contributing new ideas of technology and management innovation to the high-quality development of rural water supply.

At the China Water Expo for the fourth time, Wipeg fully demonstrated its leading position and technological innovation capabilities in the smart water industry, especially in the field of rural water supply, setting a professional solution benchmark for the water conservancy market and customers. In the future, Wipeg will continue to adhere to the corporate mission of "With Heart in Water, Green Future", fully promote the application of new technologies such as digital twins in water supply scenarios, establish a digital, networked and intelligent management platform, and fully implement the "3 + 1" standardized construction and management model, contributing to the high-quality development of rural water supply and creating guarantees for the safety of drinking water and a happy life for rural residents!

Source: Corporate press release
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