Hisense Refrigerator · Yuchen Student Aid: Planting stars in the wild, the same journey in mountains and seas

2024-08-20 17:25 0

/PRZWT/QINGDAO, Aug. 20, 2024 - When the gourd rose, the songs of Zhuang teenagers, the dances of Hani girls, and the performances of Han children were reflected in each other.

Recently, nearly 40 teachers and students from all over the country came to Qingdao to gather with Hisense Fridge · Yuchen Student Aid, Supreme People's Procuratorate Assistance Office, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao TV Station and many other caring units, and began a wonderful journey of "reading, watching the sea, and seeing the world": "Mysterious Sea Life World" popular science, visiting Hisense Exploration Center, Underwater World, Qingdao Science and Technology Museum, reading club, mock court, fun chemistry experiment and camping party... Midsummer time, welcome by mountains and seas.

The man who "planted" stars

"I finally saw the sea of my dreams. It turns out that the world is so beautiful. When I grow up, I must take my parents out of the mountains and take a look outside." Quan Daiyi, a girl from Gedang Hope Primary School in Yunnan who had just participated in the summer camp, reluctantly made a wish in her diary.

As time passed, she was already the ninth batch of children to "read, watch the sea, and see the world". In 2016, the summer camp of Hisense Refrigerator "read, watch the sea, and see the world" opened for the first time, "go out, please come in", and build a bridge between mountains and seas to help students. Through the public welfare summer camp, groups of children walked out of the mountains and saw the outside world for the first time.

Seeing is just a beam of light. The mountains are deep, how can they really illuminate this barren land?

"Every child is a'star '. Illuminate the child with love and let the child illuminate the future," said Jiang Shaoyuan, the "most beautiful principal" of Hisense Fridge Yuchen, who has been teaching in Dashan for 12 years.

They are the people who grow "stars" in the mountains. Over the years, the staff of Hisense Fridge Yuchen Student Aid have visited the remote mountainous areas of the provinces again and again to understand the children's tiny wishes and deliver the teaching and living materials they really need.

This was a trivial but thoughtful list: school bags, stationery, books, football and other school supplies; daily necessities such as refrigerators, washing machines, water dispensers, electric fans, etc.; a "love kitchen" for children's centralized accommodation and dining; a "love laundry room" to solve the inconvenience of young teachers' living and teaching life on campus, and a "Hisense Academy" with different styles around children's interests...

They also gently guarded the children's spiritual world. Hisense Fridge · Yuchen Student Aid built a psychological counseling room in Xichou County, Wenshan, Yunnan to provide psychological counseling for children to relieve stress, which is a veritable "spiritual inn".

This is just one of the "stops". In response to the special environment of many left-behind children in mountainous areas, in 2022, Hisense Fridge Yuchen Student Aid initiated the establishment of the "Psychological Counseling Public Welfare Alliance" to provide psychological counseling training for school teachers and work with them to open the closed windows of children's hearts.

Planting stars in the field is by no means overnight. For the past nine years, Hisense Refrigerator Yuchen has adhered to the principles of diversity, depth and precision. One-to-one assistance, regular return visits, one step at a time. Launched a number of multi-dimensional and continuous student assistance activities such as "Mobile Cinema", "Love Studio", and "Football into Campus", carefully guarding every possibility that belongs to the children's future.

Willing to be lonely, bow down and work hard. Pick up the dust again and again until the stars are planted.

Let the starlight illuminate the starlight

Spanning more than 3,000 miles, with the help of Hisense Fridge Yuchen, an 11-year-old boy from Qingdao, Cui Yixin, came to Chenjiaba Primary School in Mianyang Qiang Autonomous County, Sichuan Province, and met his long-missed letter friend Deng Haoyu. The two boys hugged tightly.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the construction of the new school aided by Hisense. President Wang Houqiang told us that Hisense's public welfare assistance has been passed down without interruption. It has illuminated the lives of children, and some of them have entered the society to show their talents; some have been admitted to their favorite universities, and many of them have entered Peking University, Tsinghua University and other institutions of higher learning.

"Thank you to Hisense Fridge Yuchen for helping students, thank you to every teacher for their cultivation, parents can't give you the best, but we will give you our best, come on baby! You are gracious to others, and I hope you can also be grateful to society," the father of the Yi girl Mao Jingfang wrote in the circle of friends. The love that children receive becomes a force for the improvement of the family and even the society.

This year's June 1st Children's Day, Hisense Fridge · Yuchen Student Aid took the children into Huangling, Shaanxi, established a "public welfare student aid practice base" in the root of Chinese culture, and regularly held cultural root-seeking research activities to continue the cultural heritage of history and culture, so that cultural confidence and national self-confidence become the majestic power flowing in the blood of children.

When a star begins to twinkle, and the starlight reflects the starlight, it will eventually merge into the starry sky and illuminate the depths of the mountain.

Not long ago, at Anchang Xingfu Primary School in Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, the children had a wonderful science class called "The Miraculous Journey to Antarctica". The "teacher" in the lecture was Liu Yanmin, a "veteran" of journalism for more than 30 years. He had conducted in-depth interviews in Wenchuan and had a special affection for the children in Beichuan. "I summed up the essence of the five follow-up visits to Antarctica and taught it to the children. I hope that when they grow up, they can go deep into various parts of the world to explore the world."

Behind the "special" teachers is the hidden pain of insufficient educational resources in remote mountainous areas. Many school art, music, and physical education teachers are stretched thin. The Hisense Fridge Yuchen student assistance team has extended invitations to Hisense Group and public welfare teachers in the industry, and adopted a combination of "offline teaching" and "online remote teaching". Hundreds of Hisense young employees and public welfare teachers participated in the course assistance. Nearly 100 teaching activities were held, sending scarce educational resources to the depths of the mountains.

More and more forces are converging towards the light. In the past nine years, the love footprint of Hisense Refrigerator · Yuchen Student Aid has spread to Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces, uniting thousands of public welfare people to participate in love activities. From material donation, curriculum development, to teacher training, psychological counseling, art and sports training in many fields, and then to cooperate with all sectors of society to launch education for poverty alleviation activities... Nine years of steady and long-term travel, out of a stable and lasting development of public welfare student aid, benefiting more than 30 schools, so that more than 200,000 children benefit from it.

"If public welfare aid is a point, then we hope to turn this point into a circle, and eventually let the" light of love "shine on every corner that needs to be cared for!" Li Qiang, executive vice president of Hisense Refrigerator Company, introduced that in the future, Hisense Refrigerator · Yuchen Student Aid will continue to expand the cooperation network, link more caring public welfare organizations and people, and jointly build warm "Moments" to arouse and unite the society's attention and resonance for children in mountainous areas.

Where is Xinghan's brilliant plan?

When starlight illuminates the wilderness, the world also gazes at the starry sky.

In the surging tide of the times, whether it is individuals, enterprises, or social groups, they are all exploring the realization and development direction of their own value. "social responsibility" has become a key pole of evaluation.

As the report of the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put it: Guide and support willing and capable enterprises, social organizations and individuals to actively participate in public welfare and charity, and encourage "rich and responsible, rich and righteous, rich and loving."

Hisense has been walking on this road. Over the years, Hisense Fridge · Yuchen Student Aid has always paid silently without asking for anything in return. However, there is a lingering fragrance in the hands of giving roses. In the activities of public welfare student aid, the development of Hisense Group has a more solid social value support, branding impression and reputation have spread quietly. Not long ago, the 2024 "Fortune" China ESG Influence List was released, and Hisense Group has been on the list for three consecutive years.

Zola once said: love is not old, the existence of the world, with it as nourishment. Hisense refrigerator · Yuchen student firmly chose the direction of education for poverty alleviation.

According to the "2024 China Student Financial Aid Development Report" released by the Ministry of Education, in 2024, the total number of students funded nationwide reached 135 million, and the amount of financial assistance exceeded 200 billion yuan, an increase of more than 8%. Subsidizing students from poor families to successfully complete their studies has become an important part of education poverty reduction work, and it is a fundamental solution to block the intergenerational transmission of poverty.

Starting from love, it is the source of social progress, and it will naturally converge with the general trend of the country. From 2021, Hisense Refrigerator Yuchen Student Aid has worked closely with national ministries and local governments, and has successively partnered with Qingdao Poverty Alleviation Cooperation Office and the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China to carry out education for poverty alleviation activities in Anshun, Guiyang, Dingxi, Gansu, Wenshan, Yunnan and other places, spreading a little bit of starlight.

Lian Bingbing, director of the top inspection and fixed-point assistance office and second-level inspector, commented: "As a global super-large'home appliance company 'and'high-tech company', Hisense Group actively fulfills its social responsibility, participates in public welfare and assistance undertakings, and has made positive contributions to the completion of poverty reduction targets and the promotion of comprehensive rural revitalization as scheduled. It highlights the responsibility of state-owned enterprises and is fully recognized by all walks of life."

Planting ordinary stars will surely merge into a vast galaxy. And the brilliant stars will eventually illuminate the broader mountains and rivers and the future.

Source: Corporate press release
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